Hypnosis helps with anxiety for all types of test takers, especially when you are preparing for your LSAT exam. There are many reasons why you may have problems doing well on your LSAT. Anxiety is usually the main culprit and undermines you from getting the scores you are worthy of and deserve. When your mind is anxious it causes you to forget information that you have previously studied and know well.

The LSAT is an integral part of the law school admission process in the United States, Canada, and a growing number of other countries. It provides a standard measure of acquired reading and verbal reasoning skills that law schools can use as one of several factors in assessing applicants.

The LSAT test consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple-choice questions. Four of the five sections contribute to the test taker’s score. These sections include one Reading Comprehension section, one Analytical Reasoning section, and two Logical Reasoning sections. The unscored section, commonly referred to as the variable section, typically is used to pretest new test questions or to pre-equate new test forms. The placement of this section will vary. Identification of the unscored section is not available until you receive your score report.

A 35-minute, unscored is administered at the end of the test. Copies of your writing sample are sent to all law schools to which you apply.

Hypnosis will help lessen the anxiety with test taking and help you feel more calm taking the LSAT. Many of my students just like you do the appropriate preparation for the LSAT in combination with using my Skype and Tele-Hypnosis Program.

The LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school: the reading and comprehension of complex texts with accuracy and insight; the organization and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable inferences from it; the ability to think critically; and the analysis and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others.

There are three multiple-choice question types in the LSAT:

Reading comprehension questions measure the ability to read, with understanding and insight, examples of lengthy and complex materials similar to those commonly encountered in law school.

Analytical reasoning questions measure the ability to understand a structure of relationships and to draw logical conclusions about that structure.

Logical reasoning questions assess the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete arguments as they occur in ordinary language.

In addition to the logic and reasoning it is important for you to be able to have the endurance needed during taking your LSAT exam. When taking your LSAT hypnosis will help you to reduce your anxiety and increase your memory recall. In addition, it will help you with the fatigue during the exam to be sure you have the required endurance to stay at your peak performance.

My Hypnosis Program for Test Taking will help you with memory recall, test taking anxiety and the confidence you need to pass your LSAT exam.

My office is located in Cheshire, Connecticut, I also help many of my LSAT clients via video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Skype which are equally as effective as visits at my office.

Contact me NOW for a Free 10 minute solution strategy meeting so we can discuss how I can help you score high on your LSAT exam.